Snap and transform add-on: Enhancements

In a previous article I presented a small tool to move the origin of a mesh to the position of the lowest vertex (among other things).

A 2.80 version of this add-on is now also available. for details see this article

I am happy to introduce some small enhancements:
  • A extra menu entry to move the origin to the lowest z-coordinate while keeping the x an y coords to the center.
    This is especially useful for meshes with a flat bottom: now the origin is not moved to a random vertex in that bottom plane but to a point that is below the center of the mesh. In my use cases this is the more common requirement.
  • Both variants of moving the origin to the lowest position in the mesh are now also available in object mode.
    Moving the origin the center of selected geometry is not, because in object mode you cannot see which parts of a mesh are selected so you are flying blind here, therefore I did not make this available in object mode


As always, the add-on is available from my GitHub repository. Check the previous article for download instructions.

Blender Slightly Pink Theme

Some people expressed interest in the theme I use in most of my presentations. It is brighter than many other themes and has a slightly pink tone to it that makes for clear videos that are not too rich in contrast I think. An example is shown below:

It is certainly not perfect, especially in areas I tend to use less often myself, but it is available from GitHub for those who are interested in it. (right click on the link and choose Save As or whatever your browser offers, and you will get an .xml file. In Blender, goto File → User Preferences → Themes and click the Install Theme ... button at the bottom and find the .xml file you just downloaded).