Weightlifter updated for 3.6

Celebrations! 🎉

WeightLifter has been been updated for 3.6 LTS compatibility. It has been tested on Blender 3.6.2 and only minor modifications were needed to make it compatible. If you still encounter a bug, please let me know so that I can have a look at it.

The history of this add-on goes back more than 9 years(!) and this update forced me to reduce the font of the revision history section of the manual to make it fit on one page. 😊

WeightLifter is available on BlenderMarket. This update is free for customers who bought previous versions of WeightLifter.

WeightLifter is an add-on that can calculate all sorts of information and store this into vertex groups or vertex color layers. It can for example determine the visibility of vertices for a certain camera or the distance to some light source and much, much more (the add-on comes with a 30 page fully illustrated manual), information that can for example be used as a density map in particle systems. You can even bake this information if your scene is animated. 

The future

The code in the add-on is very old (9 years, which in Internet terms is ancient) and it does show its age in the way it is structured and also, as I experience myself, it is not very fast, especially on large meshes.

I was tempted to modernize it, and improve its speed if possible, but this might also be an opportunity to add features. So if you have an idea or suggestion, please drop me a note in the contact box at the top right of the page or via BlenderMarket and I'll be happy to consider it.

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