It has taken some time, but now there is nothing that prevents us from creating dragon scales ;-) And yes, it works with Eevee as well. (not the micro-displacement however, that's a whole other story)
Crackle along with many other options is now available in the updated Voronoi Texture node:

Hi, I'm a beginer in blender and I'd like to know where to plug this node in the principled shader. Thx1
ReplyDeleteWell, basically anywhere you like :-) but normally you would use its outputs to connect to some sort of converter first. For example, the fac output could be connected to the height input of a Bump node, and then the normal output of the Bump node could be connected to the normal input of the Principled shader. And/or you could connect it to a Colorramp node and connect the Colorramp's color output to the basecolor input of the Principled shader. This Voronoi node on itself just generates patterns like the other texture input nodes, you can then use them in any way you like.